Expressive Language

Some individuals may have problems putting their own thoughts, ideas or feelings into words. This is called “expressive language”. 

If your child has an expressive language disorder, he/she may have difficulty with:

  • Answering questions

  • Naming objects

  • Putting word together to make a sentence

  • Using gestures

  • Learning songs and rhymes

  • Using correct pronouns like “he” or “they”

  • Knowing how to start a conversation and keep it going

If left without support, these children may go on to have difficulty with academics and written expression. 

Adults may also experience difficulties with expressive language. This can be due to a stroke, brain injury or degenerative illness, such as Parkinson’s Disease or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). An individual might have trouble speaking or writing, or both modalities may be impacted. They may rely on gestures, body language, or their communication partner to ask questions or interpret for them.  Some individuals with  significant expressive language challenges may benefit from an Augmentative and Alternative Communication device (AAC) as a method of getting their message across. 

Speech-Language Pathologists are trained in assessing and treating expressive language challenges.


Related therapies to treat this condition:

Communication Intermediary Services

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It Takes Two to Talk® - The Hanen Program®

This program is designed to teach parents of young children practical strategies on how to improve their child’s language and communication skills. 

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More Than Words - The Hanen Program®

This program is for parents of young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. You will learn how to help your child communicate successfully with others.

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