Oral Placement Therapy
Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) is a type of oral-motor therapy used to target specific movements needed for speech clarity and feeding. It can be used with a variety of clients, including those with Down Syndrome. This therapy differs from traditional speech therapy in that the strategies continue to utilize auditory and visual stimuli (e.g. “listen, look, and do what I do”) while adding the tactile and proprioceptive sensory systems. This allows the client to feel the movements as well as hear and see them. It can be an important addition to traditional speech therapy - especially for those individuals with placement and movement difficulties.
OPT can be very helpful for individuals who cannot produce or imitate speech sounds using traditional auditory or visual input. This method focuses on expanding speech sound production from phonemes (individual speech sounds) and other similar oral movements the individual can already produce. Once the individual can produce a targeted speech sound using traditional auditory or visual input, speech therapy can continue in a more typical manner.