Technology and Its Uses in Speech-language Pathology Therapy

“It has not been for nothing that the word has remained man’s principal toy and tool: without the meanings and values it sustains, all man’s other tools would be worthless.”

– Lewis Mumford

Words may indeed remain humankind’s “principal toy and tool,” but for people with speech and language disorders modern technology offers many tools that can be not only helpful, but life changing.

One common tool with such potential may be as close as your pocket or handbag – your cell phone. Today’s cell phones are more than just telephones; they’re mobile computing devices. With downloadable applications that can do everything from organizing your life, to visually modeling communication and social skills, these devices can be used as adjuncts to those receiving Speech and Language therapy for a communication disorder.

There are also other technological devices that you might expect to find at the office of your Speech-Language Pathologist. The Visi-Pitch acoustic analysis software program, can be loaded onto any computer. It provides a visual representation of what’s occurring with a client’s pitch, intonation, stress, volume, and stability of their vocalizations. It is used to provide biofeedback (auditory and visual) to the client, during exercises, to facilitate improvement in the client’s self-awareness of strategies taught in sessions and thus improve overall vocal quality.

Videostroboscopy is an assessment tool utilized to examine the functioning of an individual’s vocal cord movement during phonation. A scope with a small camera attached is gently inserted in the mouth and moved to the back of the throat where it views the vocal cords during vibratory cycles. Such images provide valuable information as to how the vocal cords are functioning and if the client is using too much vocal force or too little vocal force when speaking. The assessment process can also confirm diagnosed pathologies, following an appointment with an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) doctor. The videostroboscopy assessment greatly assists the Speech-Language Pathologist in providing a solid, effective therapy plan.

At S.L. Hunter SpeechWorks, many of the latest technologies our used to better help the clients achieve success in their therapy and goal acquisition. The offices of S.L. Hunter SpeechWorks are located at 5195 Harvester Rd. Unit 4B. To make an appointment, call 905-637-5522 or visit thems online at