Speech and language development is important for learning, literacy, and communicating with others. Early assessment and treatment of speech and language difficulties makes a big difference in a child’s prognosis for improvement.
Parents know their children best, but often wonder what to do when their child is struggling to communicate or understand language. Our Speech-Language Pathologists are able to identify early signs of communication challenges that can impact your child’s learning, social development, and communication confidence. Contrary to popular belief, many children do not simply “grow out of” these difficulties. Our highly skilled and longstanding team of Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) offers direct assessment and treatment in the following areas of your child’s communication development:
· Comprehension or understanding
· Verbal Expression or use of language
· Articulation and Phonology (speech clarity)
· Early Literacy
· Voice
· Resonance
· Social Language Skills
· Fluency (stuttering)
These challenges may stand alone or may be secondary to a diagnosis such as Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, or Acquired Brain Injury.
After completing an initial assessment, the SLP will develop an intervention plan tailored to your child’s unique communication profile. In addition to individualized treatment sessions, we also offer training and support for parents, caregivers, and other professionals in your child’s circle of care. Therapy may be one-on-one, or in a small group setting depending on your child’s needs.