What Is a Videostroboscopy and What Is It Used for?
Individuals suffering from voice problems will want to enlist the services of professionals that are trained in the use of videostroboscopy – the latest technology used in the assessment of voice disorders.
Voice impairments may include pain/strain when speaking, decreased vocal pitch range, hoarseness, or shortness of breath when talking. The cause of these problems is diagnosed by an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor. The Speech-Language Pathologist can provide videostroboscopic analysis of the function of the vocal cords and subsequent treatment of the voice disorder.
Videostroboscopy creates a slow motion view of the vocal cords during phonation (voicing). Vocal cords normally vibrate at a very fast rate. Being able to see them in slow motion provides the detail to help identify any irregularities in the movement of the vocal cords.
The use of this assessment technology aids the Speech-Language Pathologist in planning vocal therapy and is beneficial for all types of vocal issues. It is a painless procedure and only takes a few moments to complete. S.L Hunter’s Voice Lab is fully equipped with the Videostroboscopy and Visi-pitch systems to ensure that we are able to provide a complete service to our community. If you have a voice disorder, S.L. Hunter Speechworks can assist you in rehabilitating your voice in a safe and healthy manner.
The offices of S.L. Hunter Speechworks are located at 5195 Harvester Rd. Unit 4B. We can be reached by telephone at 905-637-5522 or online at www.slhunter.ca.